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The Old Lady

Helen and her little life in London

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Long weekend over

It was very busy! It was Matt's 30th on friday night so we went out for some drinks and dinner. It really did persuade me that i should stop drinking though as I was pretty loud and horrible and I am embarrassed to think about it as I usually pride myself on being quiet and a person with integrity! Quite embarrassing.....Poor old Richard who bore the brunt of my ugliness. He seemed OK about it but I kind of regret that i had anything to drink at all to be honest....

The wedding on saturday was lovely. The bride looked amazing and my reading seemed to go OK so that is what is important ! I was really quite nervous but people said they couldnt really tell (which was good!). The weather held out for them - there was even some sunshine! And everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves which is the important thing. The couple seemed particularly happy which was lovely to see. I would like to point out that I drove back to the b&b after the wedding so barely drank anything at all....

Sunday we drove back to London (having nearly had to drive back sat night after the b&b lady mis-calculated how many rooms 2 couples would need and had provided us with only one!). She did give us lots of money off which showed her guilt- but she never admitted it! We wont be staying there again! We had lunch with my parents and then drove back home with the intention of doing lots of packing. Instead we chilled and then did the packing and exciting things on monday. I actually cooked a new recipe which i really enjoyed- i am realising just how much i do enjoy spending time in the kitchen!

And I also saw my friend who got me into blogging who has been living in Japan but who was home for a couple of weeks. I hadnt seen her in at least 12 years so it was lovely! She brought her gorgeous daughter with her and I really enjoyed catching up.

posted by Helen  # 11:17 AM (0) comments

Friday, August 27, 2004

Back again

I have been in Edinburgh for a few days - not sure if I mentioned this before I went or not. This was with work. And no I didnt get to see any of the festival while I was there. It was actually OK notwithstanding the bad weather (which I think I would have experienced in London too!) and too many tourists clogging up the roads and pavements! The atmosphere was actually excellent and if I could go back sometime to see it then I definitely will....
This weekend we are off to a wedding in Wales and I have my friend's 30th birthday bash tonight so we are staying with my parents. All rather busy!
Then we need to start the old packing thing for real....
The person we are buying from annoyed me again yesterday- apparently it is inconvenient for us to go round and measure up for a few things when they are on holiday! This is unbelievable- especially as I found out from the estate agents that they have been to visit the house they are buying no less than 10 times! If they hadnt lied about their holiday dates in the first place then we wouldnt be in this fine mess anyway! But my reading this morning told me clearly about loving and praying for my enemies so I am going to give that strategy a go to see if it makes me feel better (I am sure it cant make me feel worse- i was v v stressed and upset yesterday afternoon which cant be good for me....)

posted by Helen  # 9:30 AM (0) comments

Monday, August 23, 2004

We did it!

We have exchanged! Hurrah. We exchanged on Friday. This means that we are now locked into a contract and will definitely be moving on 28 September. If anyone pulls out at this stage it will cost them a lot of money and so we dont think they will. It was a big stress but it did happen in the end...We drank champagne on friday night to celebrate and had a lovely relaxing weekend thereafter also in celebration.

Also wanted to point out that i did a long blog on thursday last week but it didnt get posted for some technical reason which I dont understand!

posted by Helen  # 1:52 PM (0) comments

Friday, August 20, 2004

So I wish I had something more exciting to tell you. I dont! Last night was spent going to the gym, doing ironing and washing etc. V boring. Simon was out so I had a night to myself which I quite enjoyed -the first in some time I think. And we have a very relaxing weekend coming up which I am really looking forward to (the first in two months I think!). Roll on 5pm.....

posted by Helen  # 10:55 AM (0) comments

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Well I spent a very long day yesterday shouting at estate agents and annoying the people on my team by just blethering on about house moves all day . I really dont know why it is such hard work! We have still kept our decision to be cool and breezy about it but it doesnt seem to be working!

Went out for some leaving drinks of a good friend of mine from the Bank last night and didnt touch a drop of alcohol! I am on a mission to fit into the dress I bought for the two weddings of the summer the weekend after next and it involves being very very good for 2 weeks! I am convinced some people there probably thought I was pregnant (my tummy probably doesnt help me there!) but in a few months they'll figure out that it is just the tummy that I am trying to shift and nothing more interesting/ sinister!

Tonight I think we might be going to see bourne supremacy....

posted by Helen  # 9:12 AM (0) comments

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Blogger Bug

Does anyone else have problems when they are logging into blogger - that when typing your password it always jumps over to the username box? One has to be very careful not to reveal one's password in this way, you know!
I made it to the gym last night. S and I had endless conversations about our imminent (or is it?!) moving situation and have decided to chill out more, worry less and let it take its course. We cant control it so we should stop behaving as if we have some sort of say in the way it works out! We have put a rocket up the bottoms of the people we are buying from and we hope that will be enough. We are just so sick of being messed around by these people!
Very little else to add. Except that having accepted another job, one that I really would have wanted was advertised in the Bank yesterday. That is just so typical, isnt it? Not really much else I can do though I suppose except maybe wait for it to come round next time! S would have quite wanted it too though and he cant take it as it is too soon into his new job at the moment. So I guess we just werent meant to get it at this time!
Has anyone bought the book 'you are what you eat'? I have and am loving it! There are loads of great veggie recipes in there and it seems (reasonably) sensible with ideas of food groups that i usually dont go anywhere near. I admit she is a bit full on and noone could actually integrate all her ideas into a normal lifestyle but I do intend to implement as many as I can! I want to feel better and be healthier etc. Lots of what it says were things we were already starting to implement anyway.

posted by Helen  # 10:18 AM (0) comments

Monday, August 16, 2004


That was our weekend was all about- visiting Simon's and mine coming along for the fun of it. The sun shone and we had a great time. I think Simon's Mum feels that her birthday was celebrated in style, which is the important thing. We also went to the christening of a friend's baby yesterday which was surprisingly fun. The party afterwards was lovely. Although we had the 2 1/2 hour drive back up to london after it finished (service wasnt until 4pm!) hanging over us which always kinds of dampens it for me.
So S and I didnt get much time together really - having a quiet week to make up for it...

posted by Helen  # 11:08 AM (0) comments

Friday, August 13, 2004

No more news

Apart from being excited that my friend lisa is coming back to the UK for 2 weeks and I might be able to see her (first time since I was 18 i think!) I dont really have much other news. Doesnt look like we'll be exchanging today either which is very disappointing. Let's see what next week brings instead, I suppose....

Off to spend the weekend with family and to go to a christening which should be good.

So happy weekend everybody!

posted by Helen  # 2:18 PM (0) comments

Thursday, August 12, 2004

More hiccups

The whole selling a leasehold property is a total nightmare. English property law is a total nightmare. I advise anyone against getting involved in it. Dreadful business. It is all going wrong again and we were supposed to exchange tomorrow! It is like being on an emotional rollercoaster ride. I am not enjoying it at all !

But i had a lovely evening with Debbie last night. We went to a pub by the river and had very good chats. Really nice to show her my new kitchen etc too!

Anyway life is very stressful at the moment. Poor old Simon's boss is now away so he is having to do 2 jobs and I dont expect to see much of him for the next 3 weeks!

posted by Helen  # 10:21 AM (0) comments

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Feeling hot hot hot

It is still very warm indeed. Summer seems to be here properly now. I am loving it! I admit that going to the gym in this heat is tough but I managed it last night! We also received the contracts for the sale of the flat for S to sign so it seems like we might (possibly) be making some progress. Let's wait and see.
I have been approached about another job which I have kind of accepted- it isnt anything like the one I wanted but it is better than having lots of uncertainty until the end of the year (when my secondment ends and I need to go back to my main employer- and need something to do when I am there!).
Seems to be that all my news is about jobs and houses but they are two major things and both are happening in my life at the moment!

posted by Helen  # 9:17 AM (0) comments

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Bad News

I didnt get the job. Yes, I am very upset. Not sure what it means next- all options seem to have downsides but no upsides. We will see. But I am not a happy girl at the moment!

Not too sure what else to say so I'll leave it at that for today....

posted by Helen  # 10:26 AM (0) comments

Monday, August 09, 2004

Well that was a tiring weekend. not sure when I have packed so much in (and it wasnt even my doing- I would have been happy being much more sedate in our activities!). We had the meal and bar and club on Friday night then off to Paris early Sat am (bumping into two people I knew from El Rancho in NZ on my way to the Eurostar - Willy and Matt for those reading who know El Rancho peoples- that was v v v weird indeed and a real shame as they were on their way to work and me to catch the train so we didnt get long to chat). We got straight off Eurostar, had lunch, went on a boat trip and up the Eiffel Tower and didnt get back to the hotel til 8! So by the time we had had champagne in the bride's room and helped her decide what to wear (necessitating at least 15 changes of outfit, of course) we went off for drinks and then sat down at the table for dinner at 11.30! I was totally exhausted and past the point of wanting to eat by then so I decided with the pregnant bridesmaid that we would miss out post-dinner dancing and go back to the hotel as soon as we finished the meal! That didnt turn out to be until 1.45am! And then up early-ish yesterday morning to go and stand in a fountain in a park in Paris to cool off until we had to leave for the train! It was just sooooo hot (not sure of the exact temp but probs something close to 35 ish) and we all drank lots more water than alcohol so it was quite a tame weekend really. But people were so lovely.
I feel so very tired today and suspect it may last all week!

I am hoping to exchange and receive news of my job this week....

posted by Helen  # 9:51 AM (0) comments

Friday, August 06, 2004

Without wanting

to speak too soon, I think we might have a moving date! 28 September. Particularly close to my 30th birthday to make it a v special one full of boxes and stress! The people we are buying from have been unspeakably annoying and selfish and have lied to totally shaft us and get precisely what they want. But if we want their house, there is nothing we can do about it. They seem to have no fear whatsoever that we will pull out on them- which is annoying because they are right! We love their house and dont want any other ones! But having certainty is really good, so the day we exchange (next week I hope!) I really will be literally popping champagne corks...
Now just got to hear about my job and everything will be more certain in our life once again...

posted by Helen  # 9:49 AM (0) comments

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Writing something on here is very difficult when I have done nothing and have no news! I wish I had some amusing anecdote to tell you about, but I am not sure that I do. I was asked this mornign whether I could arrange a 'know your man' quiz for the hen weekend I am going on this weekend. I am only going because I am good friends with the groom and have therefore got to know his bride (lovely girl!). But the groom is off to Barcelona for his stag do this weekend so I was panicking about not being able to get in touch with him. I did finally speak to him, only to find out that one of the other bridesmaids had already organised such a quiz with James earlier this morning! All too confusing but it was one less thing I had to worry about, anyway.
More chats with people back at my employer about potential jobs after the secondment happened today. Not too sure what to make of it all. But what i do hate is bumping into people who have become very arrogant in the meantime!

posted by Helen  # 11:49 AM (0) comments

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

I saw the Stepford Wives last night. I dont care what the purists say about it not being as good as the original etc (which I hadnt even heard of until I read the reviews) - we really enjoyed it! It is just a bit different from the usual film and I found it very entertaining. I also enjoyed the fact that it was a very short film- gave plenty of time to enjoy the rest of the evening too! I recommend that people go and see it!

Surprise big brother eviction tonight. Am looking forward to that!

And the weather is gorgeous. Yet another opportunity to eat lunch outside enjoying the sunshine.

STILL no word about my job! Although it seems that we might be exchanging on our property transactions next week which will be such a big relief!

posted by Helen  # 9:42 AM (0) comments

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Today I feel I have even less news than normal! I did make it to the gym last night and did the usual boring jobs of cleaning the flat, food shopping and dealing with outstanding paperwork etc (and watched big brother!). So it wasnt a terribly interesting or relaxing evening and so nothing to tell you about! No real amusing incidents happened to me either that I can think of to be honest. I had a dream that my friend Janine from NZ decided to come back to England in the summer months to see what it was like when it isnt dark all the time. Not sure if that is going to come true in the near future, though, is it Janine? (I wish it was true!)
Still am waiting to hear the outcome of whether I got the job I applied for last week. Am rather on tenter hooks to be honest. But I guess they need to have interviewed everyone before they make a decision- does seem fair enough I suppose!
Making plans for the hen weekend which I am going on this coming weekend- half in London and half in Paris! Should be good.....
Trying to persuade Simon to come to the cinema with me tonight! But not sure I am getting very far....

posted by Helen  # 10:40 AM (0) comments

Monday, August 02, 2004


desks at work, not home (yet unfortunately). It was chaos and coming in today I had to remember to go to a new desk! Actually it doesnt appear to be too bad a place to be so that is a good thing.
So Friday was not spent in the office (hence lack of post) but at meetings.
Weekend (lovely lovely weather) was spent with my family in Hay on Wye. We went walking and relaxing and ate lots and spent most of the time in the fresh air, enjoying the fantastic views.
Also popped into see my v v newly wed friends in Bristol on the way home which was a real treat. (which explains why i wasnt around to take your call Darren - apologies).
nothing too amusing to tell you (I wont tell you about being so gullible that i semi believed my brother when he told me the valley we were staying in was caused by a WW2 bomb. I was stressed and tired. dont give me a hard time about it!).

posted by Helen  # 10:39 AM (0) comments


02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004   03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004   04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004   05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004   06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004   07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004   08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004   09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004   10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004   11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004   12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005   01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005   02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005   03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005   04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005   05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005   06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005   07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005   08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005   09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005   10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005   11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005   12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006   01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006   02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006   03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006   04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006  

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