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The Old Lady

Helen and her little life in London

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Lovely Day

I was naughty and went to visit an old school friend of mine whilst Simon was busy painting our new lounge! He is making a v good job of it though.... I clearly do feel a bit guilty as I have bought him a nice meal to cook for him and am driving him to the pub later so he can have a drink!

posted by Helen  # 10:00 AM (0) comments

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Moved in!

We had the worst moving day possible but it came off in the end. I wont bore foreigners with the intracies of English property law but suffice to say it sucks! The whole thing was a total shambles and we only got the keys at 4.30pm despite having moved out of our old place at 11.30am! Thank goodness the removal men were understanding and prepared to wait- it could have been very expensive!! But the house is lovely. We have so very much to do before it is anything like we wnat it to be (including unpacking all the boxes!) but we are in and it is ours. There feels like so much space! Simon and I dont always know where the other person is!!

Sposed to be doing work so better go but wanted to post our exciting news!!

posted by Helen  # 10:19 AM (0) comments

Monday, September 27, 2004

Long time, no post

I was ill for a bit (nothing too dreadful, just the sort of thing that puts you on friendly terms with the bathroom) and then went on holiday. We were in Turkey where the sun shone and we chilled out. We had our wedding anniversary there which was lovely. We ate in a gorgeous restaurant where they were just so friendly that we couldnt believe it. Unfortunately on the final day of our holiday Simon lost his wedding ring in the mud baths which was a real shame. We are in the process of trying to claim on the insurance but it is all very upsetting - it cant be properly replaced, can it?

Then it was my 30th birthday yesterday! We had a great day- I was thoroughly spoiled. We went out for the day to Greenwich which was fanatastic. It is London but not properly London and not too far from where we live too which was lovely. Yet another fantastic meal and all was top!

We move tomorrow so all packing is happening at the moment.... BEtter go and assist in this process I think!

Back to work in a week's time so likely to resume proper postings then....

posted by Helen  # 2:15 AM (0) comments

Monday, September 13, 2004

Feeling a bit poorly

I think I have caught some kind of bug thing- meaning a v dodgy stomach! I came into work today because I am a brave soldier but I am not actually feeling anything like a brave soldier now I am here! Dont think I'll be putting in the full hours today to be honest...

The weekend was good- lots of packing got done and the wardrobe that we were dreading being able to bring down came down very quickly. I went to go and measure up some things in our new house and was relieved that I still very much liked it! Means I cant wait to move in even more now. After today just one more day in work and then 2 1/2 weeks off- when we have a holiday in Turkey, including our wedding anniversary, then my 30th birthday and then we move! Lots of major things all together... But probably wont be much time for blogging in all that. I'll try to somehow get a link to our new house on here so you can all see what I am going on about!

Saw Super Size Me on saturday night. We both really enjoyed it. I recommend it to you all. Very interesting and also far more amusing than we were expecting...

posted by Helen  # 12:00 PM (0) comments

Friday, September 10, 2004


I managed my goal at the gym last night! I have never felt so exhausted in my whole life but I did it. It does feel good to know that I am finally doing something that might actually make a difference!

I am going to make some chocolate brownies in celebration tonight...

When we move (in 2 1/2 weeks time) we are going to have a garden. So I will be looking for lots of gardening tips. Ie what on earth do I do with it? I havent a clue. Lisa told me to make it up as I go along, plant things and if they die dont do it again. Anyone got anything more specific they could share with me?

posted by Helen  # 3:06 PM (0) comments

Thursday, September 09, 2004


I wrote a really long blog yesterday and it failed to publish, despite spending far too long trying to do it!

I had a stroppy conversation with my new boss today- not him and not really me. I do hope he didnt get the wrong impression of me! It is the organisation i work for in general that is annoying me rather than those people in particular!

I am not inclined to write another long blog today in case it fails to publish......

posted by Helen  # 3:52 PM (0) comments


I wrote a really long blog yesterday and it failed to publish, despite spending far too long trying to do it!

I had a stroppy conversation with my new boss today- not him and not really me. I do hope he didnt get the wrong impression of me! It is the organisation i work for in general that is annoying me rather than those people in particular!

I am not inclined to write another long blog today in case it fails to publish......

posted by Helen  # 3:52 PM (0) comments

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Bad News

I have heard that my gym regime is basically rubbish! Someone at lunch today revealed precisely what lengths of time I should be doing what for- and it simply sounds awful! I am sure that what I have been doing is making a difference to my general fitness but maybe not too much to my weight losing programme. So I need to make a step change in what I am doing. Not sure how to do that but it does seem to be mind over matter so I'll have to put my mind to it I guess! Bummer though. Guess there are no easy ways round such matters! I want it to be sustainable and life-changing so I had better do what it takes to get me there I suppose! My food eating regime has had a step change recently (including drinking far less when my cousin told me she thought I was drinking too much through reading this blog!). So all in all it should pay off over time. Being healthy and fit is my primary focus but I must admit that if I look better too then I wont be too upset about it! I guess I am coming to this whole thing about 10 years later than most of my contempories which is why they know more about what to do than I do! But considering recently I was out of breath after 2 minutes on the running machine, I dont think I am doing too badly! Better to take things slowly than to injure myself is my theory (but I guess I do need to push myself to be able to eventually get to where I want to be!). My cousin seemed to lose an awful lot of weight without the heartache that I am going through- it is a shame this ability to shed the pounds easily doesnt run in the family I suppose!

Having said all that above, my other exciting thing of the day is that I am making home-made pizzas tonight for some guests we have got coming round. It isnt in any way a formal dinner party but they asked for some food so I thought I would try my hand with the bread maker and some fresh tomato sauce! Let's see what happens...(I cant only eat healthy food but as long as I am having 5 fruit and veg a day, lots of water etc the odd treat really does have to be included in my diet or it isnt actually worth bothering with is my view!).

posted by Helen  # 1:21 PM (0) comments

Tuesday, September 07, 2004


Yesterday we bought a wedding gift for our friends who are getting married in Las Vegas in a few weeks. It seemed only right to get them something even though we werent going to the wedding...

And I received my first (I hope is first and not only!) 30th birthday pressie. I didnt open it and was given it so early only because Chris and Claire are going to be in New Zealand for the actual occasion (oh the irony...). I am quite excited about it though! And it does have lovely paper so I'll be quite content to look at it for a few weeks....That was received whilst out for a drink with Chris last night- giving him any tips I could think of about where to go and see in NZ....Lovely to catch up - it is amazing how much less one gets to go for one on one drinks with one's friends when married! (Not that I am complaining- I love being married- but it does make you appreciate seeing people when you finally do get to see them...)

posted by Helen  # 9:55 AM (0) comments

Monday, September 06, 2004

Indian Summer

Is definitely upon us. It has been gorgeous over the weekend. Hurrah!

I did have a horrible dream last night though which I wont be revealing on here in case it upsets any of my readers!

Anyone know why my tracker doesnt work any more?

We had some friends come to stay for the weekend which forced us into cleaning/ tidying up (it hadnt been done for a while, Lisa!). Lovely to see them- we went and made use of the 30% of London that is parkland by obligingly sitting on the grass and enjoying watching the world go by. Perfect way to beat the heat- do nothing. I did also go to the gym and do a few other things but nothing exciting enough to tell you about....

Friday I was working from home (I really was working actually!) as I hate writing up meetings in the office as I can never concentrate long enough to make them worth reading ! Thursday evening was spent in Chelmsford with my friend Alex- hearing all about her new found love life mainly. She has been waiting for a lovely man for so long that it is brilliant that she has found someone. But my goodness can she talk about him!

posted by Helen  # 9:52 AM (0) comments

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Very quiet

I am at work and it seems that I must have missed out on knowing about some meeting or another as there seems to be virtually no-one else around! Not sure how I could have missed something clearly so public but never mind. It means I can do work without being too disturbed I suppose !

Summer seems to have returned here- the weather is just sunny and warm and is forecast to continue that way for some time to come. I cant wait for the weekend. The problem with weeks with bank holidays in them is that it seems to drag on for ages for some reason. I am sure that is counter-intuitive but they really do go far more slowly than normal weeks for me.

Simon's work trip had him working til midnight last night and up again at 6 for a breakfast meeting this morning which is clearly completely bonkers. Why cant some people see that we need to have a life outside of work? ( I dont mean Simon- he doesnt have much choice at the moment but he certainly wouldnt want it to be that way for much longer...)

I stayed over at a friend's in west london last night which was great. Her husband and I did have a little red wine and she drank water (being pregnant that was probably quite sensible for her!). She cooked us a lovely meal and we had a lot of good conversation. I enjoyed myself!

Off to see one of my best university friends tonight (the one with the new boyfriend so I have seen far less of her recently than under normal circumstances! but she is so very happy that she is totally forgiven.....)

posted by Helen  # 9:58 AM (0) comments

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Stiff neck

Must have slept on it badly for the past few nights but i could hardly move it last night. Simon thinks I shouldnt have gone to the gym but I cant see how sit ups and a few laps on the running machine would have impacted on it! but it definitely got worse and last night i could barely move it! it has eased slightly this morning which has meant i felt able to come into work...

Simon is on a work trip away this week (bizarrely the same happened three months ago- i went away with work one week and he the next!) so i am going to stay with a friend tonight who i havent seen for ages. might involve travelling there with a really nice girl from work who i would like to get to know better too so that is a positive thing!

My manager's last day in today for 2 weeks so i can imagine all sorts of things workwise coming my way to deal with. Not quite what I feel like receiving today I must admit!

Not much other news apart from receiving a typical, random call from my brother as I was leaving the house this morning to discuss his company pension scheme! He often doesnt want to talk when I ring him but makes a large number of short, random calls at odd times to discuss whatever happens to be on his mind at that particular time ! Nice to hear from him- and as he is 28 it is probably about time he started to take his future seriously!

posted by Helen  # 9:48 AM (0) comments

Stiff neck

Must have slept on it badly for the past few nights but i could hardly move it last night. Simon thinks I shouldnt have gone to the gym but I cant see how sit ups and a few laps on the running machine would have impacted on it! but it definitely got worse and last night i could barely move it! it has eased slightly this morning which has meant i felt able to come into work...

Simon is on a work trip away this week (bizarrely the same happened three months ago- i went away with work one week and he the next!) so i am going to stay with a friend tonight who i havent seen for ages. might involve travelling there with a really nice girl from work who i would like to get to know better too so that is a positive thing!

My manager's last day in today for 2 weeks so i can imagine all sorts of things workwise coming my way to deal with. Not quite what I feel like receiving today I must admit!

Not much other news apart from receiving a typical, random call from my brother as I was leaving the house this morning to discuss his company pension scheme! He often doesnt want to talk when I ring him but makes a large number of short, random calls at odd times to discuss whatever happens to be on his mind at that particular time ! Nice to hear from him- and as he is 28 it is probably about time he started to take his future seriously!

posted by Helen  # 9:48 AM (0) comments

Stiff neck

Must have slept on it badly for the past few nights but i could hardly move it last night. Simon thinks I shouldnt have gone to the gym but I cant see how sit ups and a few laps on the running machine would have impacted on it! but it definitely got worse and last night i could barely move it! it has eased slightly this morning which has meant i felt able to come into work...

Simon is on a work trip away this week (bizarrely the same happened three months ago- i went away with work one week and he the next!) so i am going to stay with a friend tonight who i havent seen for ages. might involve travelling there with a really nice girl from work who i would like to get to know better too so that is a positive thing!

My manager's last day in today for 2 weeks so i can imagine all sorts of things workwise coming my way to deal with. Not quite what I feel like receiving today I must admit!

Not much other news apart from receiving a typical, random call from my brother as I was leaving the house this morning to discuss his company pension scheme! He often doesnt want to talk when I ring him but makes a large number of short, random calls at odd times to discuss whatever happens to be on his mind at that particular time ! Nice to hear from him- and as he is 28 it is probably about time he started to take his future seriously!

posted by Helen  # 9:48 AM (0) comments


02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004   03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004   04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004   05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004   06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004   07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004   08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004   09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004   10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004   11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004   12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005   01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005   02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005   03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005   04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005   05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005   06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005   07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005   08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005   09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005   10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005   11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005   12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006   01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006   02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006   03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006   04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006  

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