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The Old Lady

Helen and her little life in London

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Here Again

Very briefly as I am being hassled for the computer. Charlotte is now 8 weeks old! She has had her first jabs and seemed to be ok which was a relief! She now weighs 10lb11oz and is moving up from the 25th percentile to the 50th which is good- on just my breastmilk! Very impressed.
Her sleeping is improving we think- she sleeps 8 hours straight and has been giving us some evenings this week too- our anniversary was the best sleep ever which was a lovely pressie from her!
We are both tired- SImon has had one week off last week and is off next week too which has been great. It is amazing how much it all takes it out of you!
We are going on holiday with my parents in November and trying to sort out a passport photo for an 8 week old baby is a total nightmare! They are v strict with the photos now which is rather difficult!

Back again soon

posted by Helen  # 10:42 AM (0) comments

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Another Post

Am at my parents today so thought i would do another post! Charlotte is 7 weeks old today! she is growing ever balder (they look a bit like a monk when their hairline recedes, dont you think?!). Just saw a picture of her from the 'early days' and it is amazing how much she has already changed!
We had our baby massage class yesterday. In the morning before the class she was terribly hard work- just crying and not sleeping at all and it was impossible to placate her. But in the class she was the best behaved baby! (well 2 were asleep so maybe they were better behaved- she did wee everywhere when i took her nappy off!). But she stayed in the class until the end (all the others had cried and needed a cuddle or a feed or whatever). I think it did the trick though- she really loved it and as promised slept v well last night as a result. We actually had an evening together with C asleep- that has happened i think 3 times previously in her little life! It was wonderful! Of course we didnt know when she would wake up (turns out not until 3.30 from 8.30!) but just to watch some TV or have a conversation without a screaming baby or her attached to my breast was wonderful!
And next week our anniversary we have some people looking after her for a couple of hours so we can go out for lunch and the week after for my birthday the same! Really looking forward to having some time with Simon...

Anyway better go as I think Charlotte needs some food!

Will try to blog soon...

posted by Helen  # 12:00 PM (0) comments

Monday, September 12, 2005


but my laptop still doesnt work so i need to be somewhere with a pc to blog! am at the in-laws today who have kindly lent me the use of the computer. simon and i have decided we will get ourselves on- it is just a matter of what when and where!

well charlotte is now 6 1/2 weeks old! we are having some good days, some bad. she seems to be a bit sick at hte moment with a cold and being v sick a lot. this is a shame as i thought being exclusively breastfed was supposed to mean she would be v well all of the time! clearly not... but she can sleep for 7-9 hours in one go and does this most nights. she still doesnt go down until 1ish though so we are working towards trying to get her asleep in the evenings so we can have some time together!

was v surprised that the 6 week check doesnt involve actually examining me- rather a waste of time if you ask me. Charlotte has her first set of immunisations next week. not looking forward to that but i do know how necessary they are!

have been a bit stressed recently with too much happening and going to too many places so trying to cut my diary down a bit. simon has the next two weeks off after this one for our wedding anniversary and my birthday so looking forward to that. we decided not to go to devon as it is just a bit too stressful. though we are going away with my parents in december somewhere hot which we are looking forward to.

not sure what else to say really !

posted by Helen  # 3:00 PM (0) comments


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