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The Old Lady

Helen and her little life in London

Monday, December 26, 2005

I'll play too

Welcome to the 2005 edition of getting to know your friends. What you are supposed to do is copy this entire blog entry and paste it onto a new blog entry that you'll post. Change all the answers so they apply to you, and then publish! Leave a comment if you do this.The theory is that you will learn a lot of little (random) things about your friends, if you did not know them already.

What time did you get up this morning?

Diamonds or pearls?
Diamonds. No doubt about it.

What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
Harry Potter

What is your favourite TV show?
Rather embarrassing I know but I do rather like Richard and Judy- I think there are lots of actually quite interesting things on there and it is on at a time when I am almost always feeding Charlotte. And it proves I am not at work- had never seen it before I went on maternity leave! Otherwise I liked that programme Bodies that was on BBC2 recently and Strictly Come Dancing. Period dramas too, obviously, but I never seem to get to watch enough of them when on TV and need to watch them on DVD instead! Of course Cold Feet is my all time favourite probably....

What do you usually have for breakfast?
Always cereal- used to be muesli but now am going for porridge since I discovered how good for you oats are!

Favourite cuisine?
Italian I think.

What food do you dislike?
Sweetcorn. Pineapple. Cream. Baked Beans. Sprouts. Too many other things to mention probably!

What is your favourite CD at the moment?
Bryan Adams' Anthology (got it yesterday for Christmas!)

Morning or night person?
Not clearly one or the other

Favourite sandwich?
cheese and pickle

What characteristic do you despise?

Favourite item of clothing?
my fleece

If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would it be?
Definitely Patagonia or the Antarctic. Chances of making there with a new baby though?

What colour is your bathroom?
Blue and white

Favourite brand of clothing?
Anything that fits- in a just had a baby body that isnt easy to achieve! I dont know much about clothes to be honest.

Where would you retire to?
Wherever i had been living and had already set up my life and circle of friends - likely to be Surrey I would think!

What was your most memorable birthday?
My 30th- was made a real fuss of by my husband and mum without spending much money (eg balloons all round the bedroom, favourite flowers everywhere etc)

Favourite sport to watch?
Cricket or football - but only international games

Who did you least expect to complete this?
Cant imagine anyone I know will follow me as the only other person i know with a blog has already done so!

Person who is least busy?
That is a weird question indeed!

When is your birthday?

What is your shoe size?

None- couldnt manage those with a baby too!

Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us?
My life has been quite exciting enough with a wedding, house move and new baby in the last 2 years! Please some calm now!

What did you want to be when you were little?
A teacher. A lawyer. A police woman.

What is your favourite flower?

What date on the calendar are you looking forward to?
The next time Simon has time off work- probably in February I would imagine

One word to describe the person who you snaffled this from?

posted by Helen  # 3:41 AM (0) comments


Is horrible. Truly horrible. I made it downstairs to feed Charlotte (extreme pain comparing very nicely to childbirth i reckon!) and could not move from the chair due to the fever and pain. SImon had just got to London Bridge and had to get on hte next train home to come and look after both C and me! It isnt as if it came on suddenly I suppose but it reached a peak in quite an unexpected way and I simply could not cope with doing anything other than curling up into a small ball. I had to feed C of course and that was (and still is, truth be told) really quite nasty. I didnt realise it affects the nipples quite as much as it seems to. And I have had thrush of the nipples (Charlotte had it in her mouth too) and that hurt- but this does seem worse. I am sure breastfeeding is worth it but there are definitely prices to pay for doing it too.

I am looking forward to introducing solids next month- got a food processor for christmas to assist in the food preparation processes!

Charlotte loved helping to open presents which was quite a surprise- we thought she'd not have a clue but she was fascinated by ripping the paper !

posted by Helen  # 3:32 AM (0) comments

Friday, December 16, 2005

Two days in a row!

At the in laws yesterday and my parents briefly today. Charlotte's hat fell over her eyes for the duration of the 40minute journey here- she didnt complain at all but carried on playing with the toy attached to her car seat! Amazing....
We are staying over at my friend DEbbie's tonight which i hope will go well- simon at his christmas party so otherwise i would have been home alone!

Picked up the last of my christmas pressies today. It feels good to have them all bought and wrapped. I have been relying on other people to get stuff for me though!

Not much other news

Wont be too long again I hope

posted by Helen  # 8:10 AM (0) comments

Thursday, December 15, 2005


I think- but maybe not- who can tell?! Lots of symptoms but no hard evidence so all could be made up! Hard work with a baby with a shocker of a cold and potentially teething though, I can tell you! Especially trying to please everyone by taking her all about the place when we would be much better off staying at home! (but it is so easy to stay in and it is good for us both to learn to be a bit flexible anyway...). Very very sore breasts- I think from trying to express to build up a stockpile to add to her solids when the time arrives. Am I the only one to have problems caused by expressing milk? HAve never had problems with it before but since she started to reject the bottle i havent bothered doing it so maybe my supply has decreased...

It is so hard to think of things to blog that arent Charlotte - related. I do apologise.

I have my Christmas pressies all wrapped up and ready to go- have got friends either getting pressies for me or got them online! V hard to go shopping with a baby (esp for someone who hates shopping anyway!)...We are spending CHristmas at my parents, with Simon's parents and sister and new husband there too. SHould be lovely. Looking forward to it- last year I was pregnant and we hosted it ourselves so it was all rather tiring!

posted by Helen  # 6:11 AM (0) comments

Monday, December 05, 2005


Charlotte is now 4 months old! She behaved SOO well on holiday we couldnt quite believe our luck! I tried to be considerate and always give her the opportunity for some daytime sleeps and she rewarded us by being amazing when we took her out on 2 evenings for meals out and behaving well at the ranch for mum and dad when they babysat when simon and i went out for our 3 meals (yes 3!) just the 2 of us. THe weather was amazing and i have decided that i actually like the island! it has been done up really nicely and the part of the island that my parents have their place is actually not designed for tourists but locals which clearly makes a difference. She slept on the flights there and back and everyone around praised us on having such a well behaved baby! ( I expect their hearts sank into their boots when they saw how close they were sitting to us but no need in the end...)

Still not putting her onto solids until she is 6 months- so many of my friends see 'signs' that their baby 'needs' the food earlier- but looking at you is just because she is more alert- she looks at me when i blow my nose or scratch my head but that doesnt mean she wants to do the same thing herself!

She loves her bouncy thing from the doorway but am sure all babies do

better go

more soon!

posted by Helen  # 8:57 AM (0) comments


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