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The Old Lady

Helen and her little life in London

Thursday, June 30, 2005


Been for what I suspect might be my last shopping trip (to Bluewater) this am. Not that I enjoyed it much (I hate shopping!) but it was quite necessary. Does anyone else find that the ladies that measure you up for bras are not to be trusted? I have never had the same opinion twice! And although I must admit that I have never been fitted for a nursing bra before the lady thought that the maternity bra I had been advised on (and am therefore wearing today) was too big! Despite there being marks on my body from what I suspected was them being too tight. Anyway I didnt totally listen to her advice (although I did partially). Am I mad- what was the point fo going if i dont listen i kept thinking to myself. but at least i had something to base my decision on! i walked to a far away til to pay so she wouldnt see that i had disobeyed her though!

Also got massively tempted in Blooming Marvellous and bought 3 breastfeeding tops at vast expense which i am sure will prove totally unnecessary. But they look good and it makes a change to buy something non-maternity! (but can still justify it sort of on grounds of baby!)

Also tried to get Simon's final birthday pressie (hsi birthday a week today) but just the wrong time of year to buy a fleece jumper thing I suspect.... Damn- i wanted to collar his old one for my own use!

posted by Helen  # 1:32 PM (0) comments

Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Finally i have managed to persuade cotton bottoms to take my money for the laundry service for 2 months (after 3 days of trying!). The lady was so nice though we kept getting distracted from the business in hand to discuss eg the environment or the birthing centre i am planning to go to to have the baby! And we looked through our new nappies last night too. They are brilliant! I am so pleased with them. All too exciting.

Simon is working from home today. He may well regret that decision when my friend Sarah turns up with her 3 month old baby soon enough!

The sun is shining again- makes such a difference to one's day I find!

Better go and get dressed before she turns up!

posted by Helen  # 10:23 AM (0) comments

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Busy day

Tuesdays seem to be in my new life. Coffee morning followed by yoga doesnt leave much time for anything else!! Although i am making progress with that second re-mortgage! Nappies arrived today too so need to have a good old look at those!!

Feeling quite tired now. and a bit grumpy. lots of bad nosebleeds re-appearing unfortunately. the sun has gone in which makes it all a bit cooler but still i liked the summer weather!

i am moaning so i should go....

posted by Helen  # 4:24 PM (0) comments

Monday, June 27, 2005

I keep on catching glimpses of myself in eg shop windows and it takes me by surprise every time! No wonder people have been so kind to me today in terms of helping me with my shopping etc. People are now being v v friendly to me! Our next door neighbours even gave us some fresh fruit from their garden! Unfortunately now the ice has been broken they keep on stopping to chat for ages- and i dont like to stand up for too long at a time !

Took 2 hours nearly on the phone today to do a re-mortgage application. Would have been far easier and quicker for me just to fill out a form but this is apparently the way it is done these days. At least it is done before baby arrives i guess! (although one more re-mortgage and a tax return still to go!)...

Freezer is gradually getting filled- decided on a realistic strategy of just making extra of whatever i/we are eating on a particular day and freezing that. it is working gradually i think!

carpet man came round today to measure up so we will (i hope) have a new carpet for stairs and landing fitted before baby- gripper rods down at the moment which i dont fancy much when bringing a baby up and down the stairs!

and getting through all the baby washing and catching up on our ironing. so quite pleased with progress. though i guess not doing so well on having feet up with a book which i keep being told i'll regret if i dont get round to....

posted by Helen  # 5:13 PM (0) comments

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Perfect sunshine

Today is lovely- sunny but not too hot for a pregnant lady! I am loving it....

Made some chocolate crispy cakes to celebrate (along with the roast we are having later). Simon's friend and mine both independently cancelled coming to see us today. Do we smell or is there something more sinister we should know about ourselves? needless to say instead of us having some nice quality time together, simon is up a ladder with a paintbrush in his hand! When will it all stop?! I hope when baby arrives!

Talking of which - i am really quite ready for that to happen any day now, thanks very much. Enough hanging around inside- baby should be properly formed now and just putting on weight which seems a bit pointless. Come out and meet the world! I'm taking my raspberry leaf tablets but not doing anything yet (I know i am only 37 1/2 weeks and am too impatient but it is v uncomfortable now and i just want to meet the little person inside of me!)...

posted by Helen  # 4:46 PM (0) comments

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Busy busy busy

Good news though- on thursday we went to our birthing centre and they said that my blood thing wasnt enough to put them off taking me so it is all systems go! (as long as baby comes naturally int he next 5 weeks that is). they are so relaxed and wonderful there. although apparently baby isnt engaged after all. how disappointing. but we did have another scan and all is normal. it was very cool seeing baby on that screen again

we went to wimbledon yesterday. simon's boss is a member of the all england lawn tennis association and gave him two complimentary passes for the ground. so we didnt go on any show courts but sat on henman hill for a bit to see centre court action and saw some really amazing tennis on some of the side courts. we were v lucky with the weather- mainly sunny but not as ridiculosly hot as it had been in the past few days. and the rain stopped play so we disappeared just as it was all getting a bit much for me. simon hadnt been before and he really enjoyed his day off.... we treated ourselves to dinner out in the evening as these opportunities are getting less and less likely going forward!

posted by Helen  # 11:50 AM (0) comments

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The Moon

It is supposed to look really different tonight- I thought it looked pretty amazing last night (but wasnt clever enough to associate it with it being 21 June). I look forward to tonight's show!

Been to our flat in Wimbleodn today waiting in for the delivery of the fridge. These people wont take the old ones away any more so I had to bribe them (unfortunately they did take the money- thought the old pregnancy sympathy vote might have been enough!) to take it downstairs to the external bin area for it to wait a week for the council to come and pick it up. they charge £15 for the privilege of taking it away! Our old council used to do it for free- but then the council tax was much higher so i shouldnt complain! (except that i dont pay council tax where my flat is as my tenant does!). i was just about having had enough of waiting in the heat in a small flat when they showed up. hurrah. and that was without the drama of not being able to find the keys to the place this morning! i probably should have gone into labour i was so stressed. but, more's the pity, it didnt work ! am beginning to find driving a bit tough though- strong and sudden movements by the baby- probably brought on by the stress of driving in London- seem to take me by surprise and that isnt good when trying to concentrate! Thankfully that task worked today ie the frdige did actually turn up so i wont have to make my way over there again (these things invariably go wrong, dont they?!)

Trying to encourage Simon to go to the pub tonight with his mates rather than feeling he needs to come home to decorate. He really does have the nesting instinct far stronger than me at the moment!

Although I am desperate to meet our little baby now...

posted by Helen  # 6:03 PM (0) comments

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


The heatwave continues. But the lady hosting our NCT coffee mornings has a pool in her garden so we might make use of that next week if it is still hot! How wonderful- three houses in 3 days with pools. THat is my kind of living! Shame one of those houses isnt my own!

I think I could get used to the coffee morning culture. One lady from our group who had her baby last week (a boy) came along. She looked amazing. bump had nearly all gone and baby gorgeous. i wont be so together, i'm quite sure after just 7 days of motherhood. She managed without even gas and air for her labour. I am astonished. Makes us all feel quite inadequate already! But she is so lovely I couldnt possibly be too jealous!

Yoga was tough today o/a the heat. In fact she realised she wasnt getting too much out of us and we did far more relaxing than we would normally do...

Have started to wash the baby's bedding and clothes- fairy non-bio of course!

And about to go and order the nappies. Finally ! ! Ordered my TENS machine today too- a friend was supposed to be lending me one but let me down rather last minute so I am salvaging the situation by using BOOTS (rather than a local man I would have preferred but I cant risk not having one at this stage!)

posted by Helen  # 4:34 PM (0) comments

Monday, June 20, 2005


I wont go on about how hot it is. But when there are two bodies inside one outer flesh it does get a bit overheated! Amazingly I slept ok last night. but struggling a bit today. doesnt help that my brain-turned-mush wont let me find my FANTASTIC pregnancy shorts which are at least cool!

Tomorrow is my first NCT coffee morning which i am looking forward to ! So far today done shopping (sainsburys), made bread, ironing, washing and met someone for lunch! not too bad- but still so much to get done !

Did I mention we were given last minute tickets to wimbledon for friday? I am sure it is silly for me to go as it will be v v tiring but we are going anyway. Simon hasnt ever been before. Looking forward to spending some time with him there.

yesterday's surprise 30th birthday party for my friend from university who lives locally went down v well. the traffic jams on the way there were dreadful but i saw people i hadnt seen since i got married so all was brilliant.

my pelvis is starting to hurt and it feels v painful to walk around and stand for too long now- maybe something is softening up there or something? anyway baby is still v active- am sure that isnt supposed to be the case at 36 1/2 weeks?! Am going to start washing baby's clothes in non-bio powder from tomorrow...

posted by Helen  # 4:26 PM (0) comments

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Feeling hot hot hot

I love the summer and I love the sunshine. So I am not going to complain about being 36 week's pregnant and it being 30 degrees! But it sure is warm! Hard to know how to keep sane and the sleeping is not going to be too fantastic tonight I can tell. But hey- - I am grateful that it has stopped being so grey and nasty!!

Spent a day yesterday with a friend with a 6 month old learning how to change a nappy (non-disposable, obviously!) and try to give a baby solids for one of the first times. it was fascinating. it culminated in a bbq with the husbands in the evening so all was good! the day just went by so fast. we didnt get lunch till 3pm (which was a bit late for a woman of my size and needs!) but it is amazing how much time it all takes. hte house looked messy despite spending all day clearing up! how depressing. but at least i know what i am in for!

the in-laws have been round today doing ironing, gardening, painting for us. Amazing people. I am v grateful. also had a go at 'packing my bag' which people keep on at me about. but i cant pack so much stuff as i need it for day to day living! but i somehow couldnt get my baby brain focused on what i would need for the baby so mum-in-law helped to sort me out on that front. thank goodness for people who care and help out ! i wonder if i will be like this for our child in 30 years' time?!

posted by Helen  # 6:00 PM (0) comments

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Week flying past

and i still havent done much cooking for the freezer or been swimming! I intend to rectify both of these today. I am going with my brother to see the house he is hoping to buy- by the time he moves in baby might be here and then i wont get to go for a while! then a midwife appt this pm. Let's hope she isnt running 1 1.2 hours late as normal!
Yesterday spent catching up with people- friend from work who had a baby in January and another good friend met up for lunch- v cute bairn. Then saw my best friend later for afternoon/ dinner. Both cooked at people's houses so cheap (for me!) and healthy!

I am getting bigger daily now, i'm sure of it. 36 weeks pregnant today! I am going to start measuring with a tape measure to keep track of progress! Sleeping really not going so well unfortunately. Poor Simon! He has to be up at 6 each day to get into work early and doesnt even have 1/3rd of the bed these days- and I get up about 3-4 times each night! Fun fun fun!

posted by Helen  # 9:34 AM (0) comments

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

this is what life on the outside is like! I am enjoying it but things seem to take forever and i dont get half as much done each day as i was hoping! 2 hours in sainsburys. 2 hours to collect blood test results from the doctors. chatting after yoga reduces time back at home! what a trial!

yesterday i woke early- today not til 10.30! i need the sleep i think!!

plan for tomorrow- go and see a friend from work and her baby. looking forward. the ironing can wait !

baby pressing both on bladder and lungs so not fun at the mo- cant wait for it to engage now....

posted by Helen  # 3:39 PM (0) comments

Friday, June 10, 2005

Last Day!

I am v pressed for time so cant believe I am blogging! But wanted to record such a significant event for me! Been working full time for nearly 8 years so quite an occasion! I am off to the pub at 11.50 and not planning to come back... Cant wait!

Off for a weekend in an Oast House with a swimming pool near Rye in Sussex later which will be top... really looking forward to it

posted by Helen  # 10:13 AM (0) comments

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


everyone is telling me to slow down and not be so stressed! but it is v v difficult. work is more crazy than it ever has been. And of course with such little time left it is all rather more intense than it would otherwise be! and people are being ridiculous which doesnt help. ahhh! i just am exhausted and cannot wait until friday.

had a nice lunch with the department i look after yesterday though and they bought me my first baby pressie- a lovely top and some booties. much appreciated.

no real baby news- still moving aroudn quite a bit- surely that is supposed to slow down in last few weeks? feeling READY now for the birth and to have our own little person. i am so uncomfortable at night it is unbelievable. sleeping at all is a major accomplishment! surely a preparation for wanting to give birth! (who would ever want that to happen, eh?!)

Our yoga class is becoming almost a joke with the amount of chatting that goes on- the leader is great and loves sharing tips/ ideas with us. it is almost a topic a week for ehr to lecture us on! last night it was diet. all v interesting stuff and i agreed with almost all she said but not sure it should take up 15 mins of an 1 hr 30 min class! (that starts 15 mins late due to all the nattering between all the pregnant women!). but am making another friend there i think so all good (in addition to the lady that lives down our close)... did i say all three pregnant couples in our close went out for a drink on friday night? it was wonderful. we stayed there far too late but getting to know each other well. brilliant stuff... and all these people want to see me when i am on maternity leave- time is getting pretty booked up. when are you planning to be in the UK Maija? want to make sure there is time for you in my diary!

anyone know why my comments might have disappeared and how i can get them back?


posted by Helen  # 9:44 AM (0) comments

Friday, June 03, 2005

Very quickly

cant believe how busy it is here at work.

Baby is head down! Hurrah! Cant believe how happy i am about this!!

We are going out for a drink tonight the 3 couples in our close who are having babies in July/ August. Looking forward to getting to know more neighbours who we have something in common with! (We already know the people living opposite v well and are goign away with their church next weekend but it is always great to make more local friends!)

no more news other than been out in the evenings and totally chocca at work and i have been v stressed and am v tired! but the weekend is nearly here...

posted by Helen  # 3:27 PM (0) comments


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