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The Old Lady

Helen and her little life in London

Wednesday, December 29, 2004


So did you all have a superb Christmas? I cant believe it is all over! We had a great time. Though entertaining 7 people one day and then 10 people the next was a bit tiring! We really did enjoy it all but we are v glad we can have some time to let other people entertain us now! We are both off work this week which is really lovely. Of course we are doing DIY and catching up on house-related stuff this week. I saw a friend yesterday who is 6 months pregnant but didnt realise until she was virtually 5 months! Quite amusing but they dont have too long to prepare!

We are off to Bristol for New Year which should be brilliant. We all have to think of a game to entertain everyone though so not quite sure what to do. Any suggestions?

And hasnt the weather been gorgeous?

posted by Helen  # 11:55 AM (0) comments

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Very quickly

Our kitchen has been done! OK so it still needs proper worksurfaces and tiles but it is soooo much nicer! We are delighted with it...

And we now have a digital camera (birthday and christmas pressie from variuos people). SO let's hope I can start to put some piccies on here!!

Happy christmas to you all if i dont get to blog again....

posted by Helen  # 9:30 AM (0) comments

Monday, December 20, 2004

Day Off

And it has been lovely. Our kitchen fitters arrived first thing (which wasnt brilliant as we didnt get home from the - amazing- wedding until the small hours!). So we were up and about earlier than normal for a day off! We ordered a turkey for Christmas and Simon a new wedding ring (he lost his on holiday- did I ever mention that? the insurance money has now come through so we can get him another one!). Went to a new town near where my in-laws live and it is lovely- Horsham. Recommend it to you all if you want somewhere different to go shopping! Went to the in-laws for lunch which was great as they have a real log-fire and sorted all our food out for us! Then onto my parents for the evening meal. Also good. This having a kitchen fitted business i quite nice if people are going to make such a fuss of us!

Of course we will have to return to the mayhem that is our house later on. But we will worry about that later!

Bye for now!

posted by Helen  # 5:36 PM (0) comments

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Back Again

So it has been a hectic week/ weekend. I wont go into my rants about how awful commercial banks are these days- who would have thought wanting to pay a cheque into one bank or pay off a credit card bill in another could take them so much by surprise and cause such problems?! I have duly written my letters of complaint!

This weekend we have been preparing for the arrival of our new kitchen this week! The men arrive at 8am tomorrow (will force us up early on our day off!) so let's hope all is sorted before we host Christmas at the weekend!

Hardly saw Simon last week. We both had our respective Christmas parties and then he was away on business. I stayed with a friend from my old office which was great. I watched her team play football and we gossiped and caught up on news etc.

Off to my first winter/ Christmas wedding today. Am really looking forward to it actually. Friends of Simons and they are really lovely people. It is a civil ceremony though which will be v weird at this time of year as they arent allowed to mention anything about religion at all !

No more news really. THe truth about my resignation from the Bank keeps on hitting me then I remember all the reasons I made that decision! Let's hope the new job proves to be OK!

Better get on with girlie preparations I suppose to make myself look presentable for this wedding!

posted by Helen  # 12:03 PM (0) comments

Wednesday, December 15, 2004


I have (for the first time I might add) been rubbish at blogging. It is all due to lack of accessible PC. BUt if I am going to do it, I realise I should make the effort to do it.
Horrible weekend last weekend. Mum and Dad were involved in a nasty accident. Stephen (my brother) and I managed to get to teh scene of the incident quite soon after it happened and there were 4 police cars, a paramedic car and 2 amublances there. They were fine though. Thank goodness. They ahd had a puncture and were going slowly to find somewhere to pull over. Someone came up behind them and was looking for his sunglasses, didnt see them and rammed straight into their behind. I was talking to Dad about teh puncture on his hands free when it happened. I heard mum screaming as they were pushed along nthe embankment. Really horrible. I acocmpanied mum in an ambulance to the hospital as she had clearly bashed her head on impact. But all was fine. The airbags blew which might ahve saved them. The car is a total write off. Dad seems to have been v v calm throughout it all. I went into shock later that evening but we are all fine now.
Apart from that have been making the house ready to receive new kitchen next week ! Very exciting. Done all my christmas shopping and wrapped all the pressied. But we still dont have a tree! Workign on that one

Better go back to work...

posted by Helen  # 3:07 AM (0) comments

Friday, December 10, 2004

The reality

of leaving the only employer i have ever known is hitting me now! We have an in-house dentist who has looked after me since graduation and i'll no longer be able to see him any more. i realise just how amazing my pension here really is. i realise that i wont be able to use the bank account that i have had ready access to any more. but still, these things dont make up for not getting promoted simply because their systems arent flexible enough to deal with someone who has been on secondment and to be placed in a job i really dont want...

more decorating this weekend and a christmas meal with my two best firends and their men. so should be good!

will try to resume a better service next week i promise!

posted by Helen  # 7:42 AM (0) comments

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

First day back
Was v weird. Knowing that i wont be there for much longer is odd. V odd. And the fact that the piece of work I am doing is for a good friend of mine doesnt help. But I get to catch up with my friends each day over lunch which is top!

We are off to see the History Boys at the theatre tomorrow night. Cant wait.

Better go before I get hussled off the computer. Dont promise this level of blogging will continue but I will try!!

posted by Helen  # 9:52 PM (0) comments

Monday, December 06, 2004

I promised

to update whenever I could. So here is a late sunday evening log on! Not sure I'll be allowed much time as HRH husband wants to switch the computer off!

But we have had a top weekend- and ordered a new kitchen! (Yes another one!). BUt we have moved house since the traumas of the last one and this one really does need replacing.... It is going to be fitted before Christmas! Are we mad or what?! Costing us an arm and a leg but it will be a real quality one this time and should still look great whenever we come to sell the place. Solid wood doors and real granite worktops. Cant wait!

And we have entertained some friends for sunday lunch, been to church and read the saturday and sunday papers (oh and simon and his brilliant dad removed the minging wallpaper from the dining room walls so it can be painted nice and fresh!). Our house is coming on nicely...

posted by Helen  # 9:49 PM (0) comments

Friday, December 03, 2004

Last Day!

This is my last day at the place I have been on secondment to for 2 years! It has totally flown past and I have really enjoyed it. We will be going to hte pub this lunchtime to celebrate my team getting rid of me! I havent organised anything for tonight because people often have better things to do with themselves in December! I'm comign back for the Christmas party so i'll see everyone there i suppose !

So blogging will be more difficult from now on. I change jobs again in the new year so i am hoping i will have access from there! but i will try to do it when i can but i dont promise a regular service until christmas...

The weekend ahead involves more DIY- wallpaper stripping and painting! And then entertaining some friends for sunday lunch which will be nice.

Going to start my Christmas shopping sometime soon too!

posted by Helen  # 11:45 AM (0) comments

Thursday, December 02, 2004

System broken

I tried to blog yesterday but i couldnt as the blogger system wasnt working! My news yesterday was that I resigned from my job on Tuesday! Given I have worked there for my whole working life this is quite a big deal for me. I have (obviously!) got a new job - working for the government. I hope to start in January. I just felt that they were taking me for granted and messing me around and that I could get a much better package elsewhere with better prospects. So I have now done it. It took me a lot of thinking and i actually turned the job down twice but they still came back with a better offer and one that i just couldnt refuse!
My successor is flippin keen and keeps on showing me up by doing work so quickly! It is very depressing!
Anyway my meeting people have finally turned up so I had better go down to meet them!

posted by Helen  # 9:25 AM (0) comments


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