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The Old Lady

Helen and her little life in London

Monday, January 31, 2005

Good News

I hear that Darren and Katie are expecting their first baby! It is very exciting. Good on them- hope the pregnancy is OK Katie! Many congratulations to you both.

Our weekend was good but busy. I worked from home on Friday which provided an excellent opportunity to prepare for the dinner party we hosted on Friday night. (I did officially clock off a bit early- but I did work for the rest of the day!). Actually I had been to the doctor for a routine check-up earlier in the day and heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time! Also found out that my doctor's daughter has the same rare blood disorder that I have so he will be looking out for me in particular he said during my pregnancy! How cool! Anyway, the dinner party was with Nikki and Dan (my old flatmates from my renting days in London and previously friends from university) for those that know them! Nikki and her husband Chris brought their new son Alex along- he is lovely and so well behaved! I think it has lulled us into a false sense of security... but so good to see them.
Saturday we drove up to Warwick to celebrate a marriage (different from going to a wedding as they had already gotten married in Las Vegas in October). It was lovely to see everyone...
Sunday we did jobs around the house - Simon is busy decorating one of the bedrooms (once that one is done just our room to do- and the hall,stairs and landing of course!). It is looking great. I entertained my sister-in-law and her fiance and then did some ironing and some sunday paper reading. all very pleasant! they go by far too quickly though! cant believe it is monday again....

posted by Helen  # 11:31 AM (0) comments

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Little to say

Except to ask if anyone has read the book 'What I loved' by someone whose name I cant remember how to spell. It is excellent. I am reading it at the moment (one advantage of having no friends to lunch with is that I get to read a lot more!). I recommend it.

Off to see 'A Very Long Engagement' tonight. Hope it is Ok !

Just wanted to pop by to show that I do post whenever I can- honestly!

One of my work skirts seems to be getting a little tight- had to undo the button after a big lunch today! Maybe something is going on in there- although it is hard to believe sometimes!

posted by Helen  # 3:16 PM (0) comments

Monday, January 24, 2005

Time Flying

I hadnt realised it had been so long since I had posted! Apologies.
Our weekend was good but not too exciting. We bought a new carpet for what will be the spare bedroom upstairs- neither of us had bought carpet before so thank goodness we managed to get through the whole experience unscathed! Then saw both sets of parents for various meals on saturday. Sunday was spent at church and then doing domestic stuff- pulling out a fitted wardrobe for Simon and cleaning/ cooking/ ironing for me! All v exciting! But nice and relaxing and with time for the sunday papers in there too so i'm not complaining. It made it more difficult to come back into work today though! Having rather a boring day in the office and the hours are dragging on by rather. But Friday was the complete opposite- clearly I shouldnt have been so productive!

No real other news. My brother has sold his flat but hasnt yet bought anywhere else so he'll be staying with the parents for a while (much to his annoyance!). I reckon that in this housing market he is lucky to have sold for the price he did so he should be thankful!

Simon's sister's wedding plans are proceding which is v exciting. It is unbelievable though that it clashes with the wedding of two of my good friends- it is on a Friday in October so who would have thought that would happen! Friday weddings are getting more common as the venues are often both available and cheaper I suppose... If all goes well we'll have a 4 month old baby so i hope lots of people want to adore it so i can get myself on the dancefloor! (We'll clearly be at hte family one rather than the friends' one....)

Dad's insurance money has come through and he is the proud owner of a new car- the other one was written off in that car accident if you remember...

posted by Helen  # 3:01 PM (0) comments

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


for the delay in posting. It has been totally manic at work and havent had a chance to come down to the internet to make a post. But I am still here and I am still keen to let you know what is going on - even if most of you readers dont let me know you are there by leaving me comments! (Lisa is the exception to that and much appreciated!)

New job getting better all the time- not least by the presence of another new person in the office who is an ally in not knowing anything and someone to chat to during the course of the day which is nice. Her name is also Helen so it can be a bit confusing at times!

I am v v tired at hte moment. I thought the tiredness was supposed to lift after the first 3 months of pregnancy but it is definitely getting worse! So those 9pm bedtimes arent so ridiculous any more and I am missing out on lots of time with Simon and others and with some good TV too!

Not much else going on. I am restricting myself to going out once a week to meet someone - usually on a Wednesday. Which means tonight! I am catching up with my friend Caroline tonight which I'm really looking forward to.

posted by Helen  # 11:07 AM (0) comments

Friday, January 14, 2005

The Incredibles

If you havent seen it, you must. It is hilarious. I was surprised at how long it was for a children's film but I perhaps dont think it is aimed at kids at all. Thoroughly enjoyable night's entertainment. Go and see it! So although I felt more tired last night than I ever had in my life we decided to go out to the cinema anyway. I am v glad we did. Though I feel exhausted today too!
This weekend we are going to stay with some friends for sat night which will be nice I hope. They have moved house so we can check out their new place and generally catch up. He took over from me in my old job so it will be interesting to see how he is getting on with it. Not too much else on other than that although our house group starts up again- this is with the vicar from across the road and various otehr local people,some of whom i realised i knew already when we got there! small world. but it is a great way of getting to meeting people who live nearby. and especially our neighbours who are just great.

posted by Helen  # 10:38 AM (0) comments

Thursday, January 13, 2005


Apart from my day from cummuting hell the other day (it took double the usual time to get in to work and to get home again! ie 2 hours each way) all is fine. I couldnt believe that day though - I just really wished i had stayed in bed! I had IT problems at work too so the whole thing was a total nightmare. BUt the job itself seems to be going OK actually- I am quite enjoying getting my head round a few problems and am gradually meeting more people. Although I guess it will take time to actually make friends ! I am getting through my book quite quickly at lunchtimes....

Simon has been working crazy hours as his boss has been away but that should end after the end of this week. He is exhausted, bless him.

Caught up with some friends last night from the place I was on secondment to. It was really nice to see them all. And i managed to only spend £1.50 on a lemonade! THere are advantages to being pregnant and not able to drink! The others got through several bottles of wine which cost a small fortune!

posted by Helen  # 10:22 AM (0) comments

Monday, January 10, 2005


I put on a blog with the most momentous news of my life and NO comments! not even one!

In case you are interested:
1) Yes it was planned!
2) No we wont find out the sex
3) I am feeling fine and havent been sick once so far! the only craving has been for dairylea so not too bad...

I promise to not go on about it but given i got no reaction and it is what is on my mind most i am going to say somethign!

I told some of my closest friends at the weekend and when we told them there was complete and total silence! i hope it was because htey were stunned and surprised rather than because they couldnt believe we were doing this or that we will be terrible parents!
Also went to a christening and saw lots of my friends' babies which was nice.

posted by Helen  # 5:00 PM (0) comments

Friday, January 07, 2005


I am expecting a baby! The baby is due in the middle of July- so still quite some way to go I guess. We have had the 12- week scan and all was fine so now I am free to announce it to the world! More to follow on this but I promise to not make it the sole subject of my blogs!

New job still seems to be going well so for that I am grateful.

It is all happening !

posted by Helen  # 1:52 PM (0) comments

Thursday, January 06, 2005

New job

Very briefly. It seems to be good! The people are nice, I like the location I work in and so far I am finding it interesting. Lots of interesting meetings lined up so all looking positive. It doesnt even feel that weird that i am not doing that job that i really didnt fancy back at the Bank! So all good i guess

I can hear Big Ben as I write this!

Will come back soon!

posted by Helen  # 10:58 AM (0) comments

Monday, January 03, 2005

Happy New Year Everyone!

So it is now 2005. I guess we are all wondering what it will bring for us. For me, I hope my new job goes well and that we manage to get our house looking wonderful without going bankrupt first!
I must spare a thought for the inestimable number of people whose lives will never be the same again in Asia and throughout the world. I know it has been blogged about a million times already and I have nothing original to say except that I remember them in my thoughts and prayers every day and will contribute what I can. I guess I am aware that tehre are many people also in desperate need in other parts of the world too and we mustnt forget them because the Tsunami is more in the headlines. But clearly all the attention it is getting is well warranted. The world is pulling together very well and I am continously amazed at the generosity of the public.
I start my new job on Wednesday. The reality of it is slowly sinking in I think!
Today we are off to buy tiles for our kitchen in the sale. Let's hope they havent all already gone!
WE had a great New year in bristol with my two best university friends, their 'men' and a ncouple of other couples. We had a great feed up and then played brilliant games like the chocolate game (know that one? the hats, gloves and scarf when thrown a six and to eat chocolate until the next person gets a six- except we were all so full we played the game of eating as little as poss until the next person relieved us!), spoon game (two varities!), wine tasting, underground quiz etc. It was such a laugh and a great way to enter 2005...

posted by Helen  # 11:56 AM (0) comments


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