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The Old Lady

Helen and her little life in London

Thursday, July 29, 2004

100th post

Doesnt time fly. Hard to believe this is my 100th post! We are moving offices this weekend, so not allowed into the office tomorrow and have to be out by 6pm today.  A real shame that, I reckon. Combines nicely with the external meetings I already had arranged for tomorrow ! So at least I dont need to be fighting over the lap tops for 'working from home' type arrangements....
So it is a weird day today of trying to work and pack up crates etc.
Any other news from me? I heard that some friends of mine living in NZ are expecting a baby (Darren and Katie for anyone that knows them) which is quite exciting! She is due in Feb 05 I think.
Apart from that, nothing much of interest to report to be honest. Mum's last day at work (ever) today so I doubt she'll be very productive...Have to confess to being slightly envious that she is allowed to give up working! Dad is going to keep going because he enjoys it so much and couldnt imagine what else he would do with his time !

posted by Helen  # 1:57 PM

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