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The Old Lady

Helen and her little life in London

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Stiff neck

Must have slept on it badly for the past few nights but i could hardly move it last night. Simon thinks I shouldnt have gone to the gym but I cant see how sit ups and a few laps on the running machine would have impacted on it! but it definitely got worse and last night i could barely move it! it has eased slightly this morning which has meant i felt able to come into work...

Simon is on a work trip away this week (bizarrely the same happened three months ago- i went away with work one week and he the next!) so i am going to stay with a friend tonight who i havent seen for ages. might involve travelling there with a really nice girl from work who i would like to get to know better too so that is a positive thing!

My manager's last day in today for 2 weeks so i can imagine all sorts of things workwise coming my way to deal with. Not quite what I feel like receiving today I must admit!

Not much other news apart from receiving a typical, random call from my brother as I was leaving the house this morning to discuss his company pension scheme! He often doesnt want to talk when I ring him but makes a large number of short, random calls at odd times to discuss whatever happens to be on his mind at that particular time ! Nice to hear from him- and as he is 28 it is probably about time he started to take his future seriously!

posted by Helen  # 9:48 AM

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