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The Old Lady

Helen and her little life in London

Thursday, October 07, 2004


Our friends Debbie and Robbie came over to see our new house last night. Robbie is a builder and expressed great and good things about our house which pleased us! He also made lots of useful suggestions about what we can do with it which will make a big difference to us. It is good. I just had to cook a meal (not easy whilst doing a tour of the house!) and ask lots of questions. He is a very modest man but I think he is excellent at what he does. And his cousin lives in the area who might know good plumbers, electricians etc which is what we are looking for !

I guess I am talking too much about my house- but that is all that is on my mind at the moment, apart from work and I dont want to bore people with that!

Off out to see a friend tonight- havent seen her place since she moved in 2 years ago so it shows i have been rather rubbish! Be nice to catch up with her.

Feeling guilty for saying I am tired- reckon those with small children really know the meaning of that word. and yet they somehow have to carry on regardless. i take my hats off to you all...

posted by Helen  # 10:33 AM

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