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The Old Lady

Helen and her little life in London

Monday, April 04, 2005


I have posted almost every day in the last week but it doesnt seem to have been working. Sorry.

NOthing too exciting to report. I enjoyed a lovely weekend- first aid course for babies and children on saturday (with all my family and part of Simon's too as they feel they will need the training if they are ever babysitting!). Very informative and very good. I thoroughly recommend. I did one for adults recently too. All good citizens should try to I reckon so you can help a stranger/ friend/ family member out if ever necessary. And I walked past an accident on my way to work this am. The ambulance was already there or I might have needed to put my training into action!

The weather was so fantastic we actually did some stuff in our garden! It has been rather neglected but sundays arent a good day for starting to decorate a room so we tidied/ cleaned/ washed the car and did some gardening instead! i love living more in the countryside. Just wonderful.

Got a letter from my health centre on friday saying my antenatal classes start tonight! how rubbish is htat! i already had plans but have had to cancel them. considering i posted my application to join them in november it is pretty bad service. she reckons it arrived on her desk last week. not sure how that could have happened to be honest.

baby is moving constantly at hte moment- quite strong too. my sister-in-law wanted to feel it move at the weekend at that was just the exact moment it chose to go very quiet on me! but it moves really an awful lot. people now asking me how long have i got left at work.considering it is over 2 months i think that will get rahter annoying! am v pleased i didnt tell people any earlier!

roll on those two months! i am getting pretty clucky now and really want to feel my baby in my arms!

posted by Helen  # 12:24 PM

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