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The Old Lady

Helen and her little life in London

Monday, May 02, 2005

Good thing

about having a lap top is that i can bring it home and use it to blog on my week off!! Simon and his dad are upstairs decorating our bedroom and i am currently putting off going for a swim. it is sunny outside so sitting there with a good book is the most tempting thought at the moment....

We had our numerous guests stay at the weekend. i must say it was a complete success!! i made carrot cake (my best friend's recipe and it is simply the best one in the world- no wonder everyone loved it!), chocolate brownies and a chicken casserole. It all went down very well indeed which was good as i had tired myself out doing all the prep! The weather was kind to us so we were able to sit in the garden and go for a walk (the boys managed to go for a walk to a pub and sit in the garden there for a little while!). The little girl Bethan who was brought along by her parents was gorgeous. she is 8 months old and all she seems to do is smile! she didnt wake once in the night and was a delight to us all. i only hope simon and i can produce one as gorgeous as she is!!

Yesterday was spent relaxing really - we were both pooped after all the entertaining! And the DIY cracks on in earnest today. Simon has tomorrow off to try to get the bedroom done- carpet is meant to be fitted on friday but we arent too sure if that is too optimistic or not.

I intend to use my week off to join the local library so i can eventually get and read all the books that are recommended to me by various people...

posted by Helen  # 6:18 AM

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