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The Old Lady

Helen and her little life in London

Friday, May 06, 2005

Perfect Result

As far as I am concerned. They need to learn that they cant just adopt ridiculous right wing principles and ideas and impose them on the nation that has elected a labour government. i hope the fact they were so vulnerable to the lib dems in some places makes them more accountable to the left - wing end of the party...Interesting that Howard has said he will step down already. Some irony in the fact that the press were finally giving a Tory leader some credit for being of some value to their party! An interesting few months/ years will follow. We stayed up til 3 to watch it but it wasnt totally conclusive even then. Simon had to work today so even that late was totally bonkers! I am off for another rest after doing my blog- was up early myself for my kiddicare parcel delivery and the carpet man. Our bedroom really does look pretty tip top now i have to say- looking forward to moving back into it !

Otherwise i enjoyed a lovely drive to another supermarket which i think i will use from now on. i really do live quite in the country. the sun was shining and it was wonderful. i felt v blessed to live here! and i spotted a v nice looking pub which i might suggest that we explore at the weekend !

not much more news really apart from simon was invited to the nct AGM but i wasnt! and we have been invited to a newcomers coffee morning which happens to be durin my nextg week off- when simon will be off too. but not sure about the etiquette or sense of bringing him along- will he feel like a fish out of water and will he hinder potential bonding with other new/ imminent mums? any advice gratefully received!

posted by Helen  # 2:18 PM

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