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The Old Lady

Helen and her little life in London

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Well i guess you have all figured out the reason for the absence of posts. I would like to announce the arrival of a baby girl. She is called Charlotte Daisy Florence and she is gorgeous! She arrived at 11.15pm on Thursday 28 July.

The labour was induced in the end. The gel worked first time thankfully so I spent a long night getting to 3 cms dilated on a night ward on my own having to keep the noise down. That was far from acceptable. But otherwise the care I received was nothing less than brilliant. I accepted that once I had gone down the intervention route I was on the slippery slope already. The next stage was to break my waters but I was going to be rigged up to a monitor. I couldnt say no really without losing all the relationship with my midwife. So I did what I had practically vowed I would never do and had an epidural! Yes it did slow down labour- wasnt fully dilated until 9pm that night and yes it did make pushing harder (had to have an epis and van touse (sp??) delivery in the end). But without being able to move around during the contractions I knew I wasnt going to be able to get through the day and be able to push anyway- having had no sleep the night before. Anyway I dont regret my decision one little bit to be honest. Charlotte is happy and healthy and we decided we didnt want to take the risk of her going over 42 weeks. And we had the additional weekend to get used to having her!

We had a pretty rough time with her until my milk came in but now she seems much more easily satisfied and we have had two good nights in a row so far. Midwife pleased with her progress and GP called in for a home visit yesterday and pleased with the progress of C generally and my stitches...

Simon is being brilliant in his 2 weeks' paternity leave. What am I going to do when he goes back to work?! Get the mums round more I suspect!

Anyway more blogs to follow in due course but I had wanted this to be updated earlier but it really has been quite manic and awful and tiring and we are feeling much more like human beings today...

posted by Helen  # 9:07 AM

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